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The Chase of the White Hart

In Arthurian mythology, the white hart always evaded capture. The continual hunt was said to represent one’s spiritual quest. The White Hart is a symbol for moments of transition and a catalyst for change. In this time of upheaval, I reflect on how mythology inspires hope, whimsy, and the pursuit of knowledge.

Starring Rochelle Laplante as King Arthur.

With camera operator and assistant extraordinaire Jasper Poole.

Created, produced and designed by Abi Stushnoff.

Presented at the 38th edition of Café Concret (Montréal, 2021).


Laplante as King Arthur


Stushnoff as White Hart with King Arthur.



The White Hart was hand wet felted with needle felting details. King Arthur’s chain mail was crocheted, and the tunic crest was needle felted with embroidered detail. The blood was hand nuno felted with gauze, marino wool, and yarn.